
Showing posts from August, 2022

FastAPI and Flask: Choosing One

  Yes, you got that right, this is yet another text comparing two similar frameworks which are pretty solid, well known, and have a large fan-boy base everywhere. So, why bother? First, and most importantly, this is my page and I choose what I write here we eventually are faced with that sort of comparison in our daily lives as software engineers, and sometimes we need to have some ground reasons to write technical documentation.  What is Flask and FastAPI? Basically, both are lightweight web application frameworks for Python. Probably you already knew that right? Let's start talking about FastAPI . The first contact I had with FastAPI was a few years ago and it was an existing company project which did not use all the features the framework offered. It has been noticeable how much has changed in those couple of years during the last time I tried to build something in the FastAPI a few months ago. FastAPI has a lot to offer if you plan to build microservices that may use some...