
Showing posts from February, 2018

Foreign Visitors in Brazil - 2005 to 2015 - Part III

This is the conclusion of the study on our beloved "gringos". In order to better understand the big picture, we analyse the distribution of total visitors per continent per access method. The first impression is that if visitors enter Brazil by air more than twice they enter by land, if we see continents individually, South America has almost the same number of visitors in both access methods. One interesting point we can see in this graph is the large number of europeans entering Brazil by land. We will further study the two continents with the most visitors: Europe and South America. The next graph shows which countries in South America visits Brazil the most. Our “hermanos” from Argentina won this one. The next graph attempts to correlate countries from South America and the Brazilian State they used to enter Brazil, per year, all done by land. The scale had to be enlarged to make some details visible. Arrivals equals to zero have been removed from the graph, t...

Foreign Visitors in Brazil - 2005 to 2015 - Part II

So this is the continuation of our previous analysis of foreign visitors from 2005 to 2015. The first thing we see is how the variable of interest (number of arrivals) behaves through the years. It is observable that there has been a slight increase in the number of foreign visitors since 2013. It is also possible to see how the accumulated visits are distributed through the continents on the graph below. From this graph we can understand that this increase is specially because of South America. For the other two continents with most visitors, Europe and North America, there has been a slight decrease in arrivals. Below we have the graph of arrivals per continent in this 10 year window. South America and Europe have by far the larger number of visitors. Next we observe how the sum of arrivals is ditributed through the months of the year. As expected, there is a larger number of arrivals during summer time in Brazil. However, there is an unexplained increase in July. So far, one possib...